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martes, 25 de abril de 2017

By tomorrow evening this stock will be twenty times higher

Did you read my urgent email yesterday?

I outlined very specifically a game plan for you to make more than 20 times on your principle within the next 48 hours.

Let me hit you with the gravy and leave out all the boring details� there's a friend of mine who works at a top 50 firm upstate and he was privy to details of a take over.

In a nutshell there is a very large pharmaceutical company (its name starts with a P) who is finalizing the acquisition of a small public corporation that is currently trading at around 80 cents.

The take over price will be a little over 20 bucks and the official announcement is coming tomorrow night (wed night).

They're paying this much for it because of a novel stem cell treatment which eradicates cancer.

I don't need to tell you what will happen to the share price when this announcement hits the news outlets.

The company's trading symbol is Q as in Quest, S as in Sam, M as in Mother, G as in Great.

These are the 4 letters you need to type into your brokerage account to buy the stock or give to your broker over the phone.

Just ten thousand bucks into this will turn into over two hundred grand by Thursday morning.

You need to act quickly though because it seems I may not be the only one with this information, as I am seeing the price creep up a little already since Monday.

Best Regards,
Bridgett Curtis

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