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viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2019

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martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019

Re: Abandoned Project

Good day.

I am the new EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR and Head of Operations of Overseas
Credit Commission London, UK. Sometime ago, in
our organization your overdue consignment fund was brought to our
office for final delivery clearance.

However, upon my arrival to this office, I found your consignment
clearance file lying fallow on my desk without any attention. On a
thorough scrutiny I discovered that your consignment have been
abandoned by your delivery agent. Meanwhile, I have made several
attempts to contact your delivery agent but to no avail. To my
greatest surprise, during my recent routine checking, I personally
discovered that your consignment content declaration documents stated
that your consignment contains personal effects meanwhile, it contains
United States dollar bills worth over US$ 10.5 Million dollars, which
made it impossible for the consignment to be delivered to you earlier
before now.

Based on this personal discovery, I am contacting you now to let you
know that with my position and power in this office, I can assist you
to legally clear your consignment fund, but you must agree with the
following conditions:

You must not disclose to any member of my organization whatever
assistance that I am going to render to you in respect of clearing
this consignment fund into your custody.

You will provide me with an authenticated promissory note, other wise
known as partnership agreement, that upon the safe arrival of the
consignment fund to your custody, that you give me 40% of the total
fund contained in the consignment.

You must give adequate attention to this matter until we successfully
and legally clear the consignment fund into your custody.

Upon your acceptance with my above conditions, I will furnish you with
further details of what should be done to legally get the consignment
fund cleared and delivered to you as the rightful owner of the

Meanwhile, if you know that you would be unable to keep the secret of
my assistance to you in this regards, please do not border to reply.

Hence the consignment fund would be recovered into our organization
treasury account as unclaimed consignment fund. Be informed that the
consignment contain the sum of $10.5 million dollars in the luggage.

But if you can assure me of your competency to keep this secret, I
would like to hear from you soon as possible so that I can email you
further details and guidelines.

I am looking forward to your earliest response.
Have a Great Day

Mr. Peter Brook
Head of Operations

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2019

The Abandoned Project.

Good day.

I am the new EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR and Head of Operations of Overseas
Credit Commission London, UK. Sometime ago, in
our organization your overdue consignment fund was brought to our
office for final delivery clearance.

However, upon my arrival to this office, I found your consignment
clearance file lying fallow on my desk without any attention. On a
thorough scrutiny I discovered that your consignment have been
abandoned by your delivery agent. Meanwhile, I have made several
attempts to contact your delivery agent but to no avail. To my
greatest surprise, during my recent routine checking, I personally
discovered that your consignment content declaration documents stated
that your consignment contains personal effects meanwhile, it contains
United States dollar bills worth over US$ 10.5 Million dollars, which
made it impossible for the consignment to be delivered to you earlier
before now.

Based on this personal discovery, I am contacting you now to let you
know that with my position and power in this office, I can assist you
to legally clear your consignment fund, but you must agree with the
following conditions:

You must not disclose to any member of my organization whatever
assistance that I am going to render to you in respect of clearing
this consignment fund into your custody.

You will provide me with an authenticated promissory note, other wise
known as partnership agreement, that upon the safe arrival of the
consignment fund to your custody, that you give me 40% of the total
fund contained in the consignment.

You must give adequate attention to this matter until we successfully
and legally clear the consignment fund into your custody.

Upon your acceptance with my above conditions, I will furnish you with
further details of what should be done to legally get the consignment
fund cleared and delivered to you as the rightful owner of the

Meanwhile, if you know that you would be unable to keep the secret of
my assistance to you in this regards, please do not border to reply.

Hence the consignment fund would be recovered into our organization
treasury account as unclaimed consignment fund. Be informed that the
consignment contain the sum of $10.5 million dollars in the luggage.

But if you can assure me of your competency to keep this secret, I
would like to hear from you soon as possible so that I can email you
further details and guidelines.

I am looking forward to your earliest response.
Have a Great Day

Mr. Peter Brook
Head of Operations

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